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:: Kernel Upgrade
Today we rebooted the system for a new and more secure kernel.
DATE: 2013-05-24

:: Kernel Upgrade
Today we rebooted the system for a new and more secure kernel. We hope you will join us and have a wonderful new year 2012 !!!
DATE: 2012-01-01

:: Broadband Upgrade
Today we got 25 mbit full duplex fiber, we hope you will enjoy the upgrade
DATE: 2006-08-31

:: Kernel/System Update
Now the server got more stable kernel and more stable system
DATE: 2006-01-26

:: Upgrade
Now supraservers got more diskspace finally
DATE: 2005-11-25

:: Back!!!
Now people, the server is clean and up again 24/7 at the real server place... thanks for waiting
DATE: 2005-07-29

:: New year
We hope for more servers this year happy new year 2005 and thanks for visiting our site.
DATE: 2004-12-31

:: Site up
Finally it's finished.
DATE: 2004-12-12

:: News
Probably our second server is coming up soon.
DATE: 2004-12-12

System Vital:
Kernel Version: 4.19.0-17-amd64 (SMP) x86_64
Distro Name: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)

1182 days 22 hours 28 minutes and 4 seconds

Hardware Information:
Model: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630L
CPU Speed: 2.40 GHz
Cache Size: 15 MB
System Bogomips: 4799


    Code & Design By: HYBRID-F

Hits: 128805 | © Supraservers 2004 - 2021